ENT Clinic

  • The ENT Clinic is open Monday to Saturday at our Drs Plaza Branch, with the ENT Surgeon available every Tuesday from afternoon at our Majimbo Branch. 

Ears and Nose

  • An otolaryngologist treats disorders of the ears, including hearing loss, balance disorders, ringing in the ears, and congenital disorders of the inner and outer ear.
  • He also treats disorders in the sinuses and nasal cavities, such as snoring, nasal blockage caused by a deviated septum, allergies, polyps, and smell and taste disorders.
  • ENTs may also treat cosmetic and functional problems caused by the shape or appearance of the nose.

Head and Neck

  • Otolaryngologists look for the causes of migraine headaches.
  • In addition, they treat diseases and disorders of the throat, thyroid, esophagus and the larynx, or voice box, that involve difficulties eating, swallowing and speaking.
  • Treatment of problems in the head and neck areas – which affect sight, hearing and smell – may follow trauma or infections, or stem from facial deformities or tumors.
  • Treatment of cranial nerve disorders are part of the practice when the otolaryngologist’s primary focus areas are affected.

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