Tenri Society Director's Message

I feel privileged for have been given a chance to be part of this organization in achieving its goals and objectives here in Africa.
I first want to thank our founder Rev. Tadao Murakami and his family for their generosity and sacrifice they made in assisting the African people especially in Kenya in line with the guidance of the founded by Miki Nakayama back in 1838 at Nara prefecture Tenri city, that we are all brothers and sisters and no one is an outsider.

Through their efforts the Japanese government donated food, medication, and aid materials which were channeled to Kenya especially during the drought of 1983 in Turkana, Mandera and Wajir and other arid areas.

 Mr. Murakami himself accompanied the donation to Kenya in order to assure the donors that the donation reached the desired population and thereafter, he thought of extending his stay in Kenya so as to find out the root causes of the various aspects affecting the Kenyan society. It is through his extended stay that the Kenyan people are benefiting from some of his projects. May God rest his soul in the eternal life and guide his family to enjoy happy live wherever they are.

Our main goals and objectives revolves around supporting the community in the following four main sectors: education, health. disaster and environment management, ACEF, has done various activities and major milestones in ensuring that each and every objective is represented and established. I would like to appreciate each and every, individual, institution or organization that has in the past or currently supporting our activities. 

My appreciation goes to all our partners from all around the world and also extends to the heads of the various departments within the ACEF umbrella for their dedication, hard work and integrity which has resulted in good performances. I would also wish to state that without your cooperation, hard work and sacrifices you make on daily basis. ACEF would not be where it is today. May you continue to develop your various sectors as well as empowering community development.

Let us all remember that we are all God’s children and brothers and sisters no matter your race, tribe or nationality. Let’s join hands in helping each other because we all desire to have happy lives.in addition let us conserve our environment because if we continue destroying it, the wrath of environmental injustice is always unbearable.

Thank you very much.